Let's talk. Contact Judy

Site Makeovers, Site Development, & Site Maintenance

Boring, Broken Words on Your Site? Misplaced Graphics?

Do you want to bring in more vis­i­tors and boost sales by mak­ing every word and every graphic place­ment count? Take advan­tage of my skills and knowl­edge in the areas of online text (con­tent), nav­i­ga­tion, design, lay­out, for­mat­ting, and usability.

If you know you’re strong in some areas, and weak in oth­ers, let’s talk. For new sites and makeovers, I often part­ner with peo­ple like Elsbeth Oggert, whose design and tech­ni­cal knowl­edge is amaz­ing. I han­dle the con­tent, we brain­storm, and together we find ways to pro­duce effec­tive sites for our clients.

May I help you find the right words and terms to describe your­self, your busi­ness, ser­vices, and prod­ucts? Together we can weave effec­tive mar­ket­ing strate­gies into your web­site and pro­mo­tional material.

Perhaps you only need a small amount of guid­ance. That’s fine. Whatever it takes to make your busi­ness thrive. And if I see that the scope of your project is beyond my abil­i­ties, I’ll refer you to some­one who is excel­lent and trustworthy.

Did Your Webmaster Disappear?

Is your web­mas­ter is no longer avail­able? Talk to me. Do you need a rapid response? I enjoy help­ing cre­ate site makeovers, and I also enjoy site main­te­nance. I know HTML and can han­dle main­te­nance on a wide vari­ety of sites. Contact me now.
