Judy Vorfeld COMPELLED: You’ve no choice. IMPELLED: To do something even if you may not like doing it; it’s the right thing to do. (Example: when I was a kid, I sometimes took small change from one of the drawers in my parents’ dresser, went to the store on the corner, […]
Read more →Judy Vorfeld A BREACH: A gap/in violation of something. Think security breach, agreement/promise breach, rupture. TO BREACH: to break open/through. Think breakthrough (business) or breakout (prison), or what whales do. A BREECH: lower/back part of something (breech birth or presentation), the part of a firearm behind the barrel. BREECHES: Old-fashioned […]
Read more →Judy Vorfeld HANGER: clothes hanger are found in closets Picture hangers are found behind pictures and other wall hangings. Paperhangers, who are found hanging paper. Wallpaper. HANGAR: Found at airports. Actually, they are buildings meant to protect aircraft. You can also find clothes hangers in airport hangars, […]
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