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About Judy Vorfeld

Judy Vorfeld’s Business & Community Service Profile

Helping you look your best for your clients

Judy Vorfeld 2014Judy Vorfeld founded Office Support Services in 1992. Serving the small busi­ness and aca­d­e­mic com­mu­ni­ties with pre­sen­ta­tion, edit­ing, mar­ket­ing, Web devel­op­ment, & con­sult­ing. Editing for writ­ers for whom English is a Second Language.

Prior to start­ing Office Support Services, thir­teen years (half that time as Manager Traffic & Shipping) with Goodyear Aerospace Corporation/Loral Defense Systems (now Lockheed Martin) in Goodyear, Arizona; one year with Calvary Community Church Phoenix, Arizona; Three years with First Interstate Bank, Sun City, Arizona. And, as a temp, over a year with Taisei-Bechtel Joint Venture at the Toyota Proving Grounds. She posted her first web­site in 1996. Her busi­ness began as a sec­re­tar­ial, DTP, and copy­edit­ing ser­vice. Today, through her Editing and Writing Services web­site, she offers copy­edit­ing (includ­ing for ESL) and copy­writ­ing, proof­ing, web­site analy­sis and ren­o­va­tion, and social net­work­ing sup­port. The site also includes pow­er­ful resources for writ­ers and office administrators.

And there’s more: Vorfeld cre­ated Webgrammar to pro­vide hun­dreds of free resources for stu­dents, edu­ca­tors, writ­ers, edi­tors, researchers, and Web devel­op­ers. If you’re look­ing for some­one reli­able and loyal to help sup­port your writ­ing or busi­ness needs … some­one who’s active in the small busi­ness world and under­stands the need for excel­lence in pre­sen­ta­tion of all kinds, con­tact Judy Vorfeld. Today. She’s the small busi­ness edi­tor,   ESL edi­tor, writer, and web­mas­ter of choice.


Judy’s Community Service Involvement
