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Book Review: My Life Without Me by Jaclyn Aurore

Judy Vorfeld

Savvy. Gutsy. Surreal. Fun.

Cover of Jaclyn Aurore's book My Life Without Me

Cover of Jaclyn Aurore’s book My Life Without Me

As I began read­ing Jaclyn Aurore’s book, My Life Without Me, a few ques­tions popped into my mind. Was this SciFi? Was Callum a real per­son or an appari­tion? Could Jamie really func­tion in a uni­ver­sity set­ting with such severe mem­ory loss?

Once I got involved in the plot, I couldn’t put the book down, thanks to Aurore’s bright, con­tem­po­rary writ­ing. This cap­ti­vat­ing story takes place in a rel­a­tively short period of time, with uni­ver­sity fresh­man Jamie con­vinced that she’s prob­a­bly crazy, even though some small part of her knows she okay. She expe­ri­ences both short– and long-term mem­ory almost con­tin­u­ally and can’t fig­ure out why. But her love for Callum, the mys­te­ri­ous and adven­tur­ous hero, is steady, and grows deeper.

Jamie’s expe­ri­ences with mem­ory loss are sim­i­lar to those of many peo­ple I know and love. So even in the midst of a num­ber of strange occur­rences and secrets, there is an aura of authen­tic­ity about this unique book.

In addi­tion to being a some­what sur­real love story, this well-written book is full of sym­bol­ism, which adds to the lay­ers of mys­tery and won­der. My Life Without Me con­tains every ele­ment nec­es­sary to make this a plea­sure to read and dif­fi­cult to put down.

And I found the ongo­ing love and sup­port of Jamie’s room­mate and par­ents to be as refresh­ing as rain in the desert. As far as the depth of Callum’s love, that is for the reader to dis­cover. As is the out­come regard­ing Jamie’s brain fog.

If there is one theme that stayed with me, it was “Never, ever give up. Even when sur­real things take place. And have fun along the way.”  So put on your Adventure Hat and look for My Life Without Me, which is avail­able on Aurore’s web­site and Amazon.com.

Anyone who buys My Life Without Me in the month of August can get a free copy of Jaclyn’s first book, Starting Over, by email­ing their receipt to with message header "Judy's Review of MLWM". She will then send them a free download link for her first book.

More about Jaclyn Aurore

Jaclyn Aurore Website

My Life Without Me Publisher

Starting Over - Book One of the Starsville Saga

Jaclyn Aurore Facebook Page

My Life Without Me: Amazon.com


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