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Archive for the ‘Confusing Words/Phrases’ Category

Oppress or Repress?

Judy Vorfeld Oppress means to persecute/tyrannize/bully. A nation could be oppressed by its lead­ers, a com­mu­nity could be oppressed by a pow­er­ful seg­ment intent on con­trol, and a child could be oppressed by bul­lies. Further, peo­ple can feel oppressed (worried/depressed) by many things, such as a strange atmos­phere or strange sur­round­ings. Repress […]

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Repellent or Repulsive?

Judy Vorfeld “Repellent” and “Repulsive” both speak to dri­ving oth­ers away, but REPULSIVE is more REPULSIVE than REPELLENT is REPELLENT. Repellent is more about dis­taste. Repulsive is more about dis­gust­ing. In good writ­ing, there are dis­tinct differences.

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Gourmet or Gourmand

Both are pas­sion­ate about good food and drink. The dif­fer­ence is in the degree of pas­sion. A gourmet knows and appre­ci­ates the fine points of food and drink. A gour­mand is a glutton.

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Hanging with hang­ers and hangars

Judy Vorfeld HANGER: clothes hanger are found in clos­ets Picture hang­ers are found behind pic­tures and other wall hang­ings. Paperhangers, who are found hang­ing paper. Wallpaper. HANGAR: Found at air­ports. Actually, they are build­ings meant to pro­tect air­craft. You can also find clothes hang­ers in air­port hangars, […]

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Their, They’re, or There?

Judy Vorfeld THEIR: Possessive of “they“ Examples Their boat needs a coat of paint. Their web­site rocks. Their home is beau­ti­ful. THEYRE: Contraction of the words “they” and “are” (They+Are) Examples They’re doing a great job. They’re hop­ing for many pur­chases. They’re just around the cor­ner. THERE: at that […]

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