Let's talk. Contact Judy

Editing and Writing for You

Problems work­ing with words? Or prob­lems proof­ing your own writing?

Are you a tal­ented per­son who thinks well, speaks well, but writes poorly? Many gifted exec­u­tives and busi­ness own­ers have prob­lems writ­ing effec­tively. Sometimes it’s because they’re using English as a Second Language (ESL)People’s brains process infor­ma­tion dif­fer­ently. And some­times they’re just too busy and need to del­e­gate tasks to some­one they can trust.

My doc­u­ment, man­u­script, and web­site copy­edit­ing and copy­writ­ing goals: to ensure that the words I edit or write reflect your personality/business and tone, and con­nect with your read­ers and vis­i­tors. Let me review your website/blog arti­cles, reports, web­site text, email, print let­ters, or other doc­u­ments for punc­tu­a­tion, cap­i­tal­iza­tion, con­sis­tent style, and usabil­ity. And for for­mat­ting and lay­out strength.

Let me help. And you can con­tinue doing what you do best!

Jooble Editing & Proofreading Jobs

Do you want to address the needs and con­cerns of your tar­get audi­ence in lan­guage it under­stands? Let me write or edit your web­site copy to increase your website’s cred­i­bil­ity with vis­i­tors and give search engines use­ful infor­ma­tion to index. My many busi­ness and life expe­ri­ences add to the mix, and I’ll work to reflect your tone and style when work­ing with your words so you get results.

ESL help: Using English presents prob­lems for many people

I enjoy work­ing with words. Many peo­ple find it dif­fi­cult. Sometimes it’s lack of good edu­ca­tion. Sometimes it’s just hard to wrap your mind around writ­ing (I can’t wrap my mind around math!). Sometimes it’s an ESL issue. Foreign-language users can’t always express the true mean­ing of their words and phrases to an English-speaking audi­ence. Sometimes it’s because you have a dis­abil­ity that makes writ­ing dif­fi­cult. I get that. I can help. And in case I’m not a “fit,” I have many trust­wor­thy resources.

Email Judy today.
