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Writing and Research Resources

The Writing Center Basic Resources

  1. Grammar Basics
  2. Grammar Tips
  3. Homonyms
  4. Idioms
  5. Dictionaries & Glossaries
  6. Common Grammar Mistakes
  7. Ebook Formatting Tips
  8. Typography: Arranging Type to Make Language Visible
  9. Guide to Online Journalism Classes

Strictly Grammar

  1. A Web of Online Grammars
  2. Common Errors in English: Professor Paul Brians
  3. Daily Grammar
  4. Daily Writing Tips: Get a daily gram­mar, spelling, punc­tu­a­tion or vocab­u­lary tip.
  5. Grammar Lady
  6. Guide to Grammar & Style: Jack Lynch
  7. Guide to Grammar and Writing: Professor Charles Darling
  8. The Farlex Grammar Book

Style & Style Guides

  1. Addressing People of Title
  2. APA (American Psychological Association
  3. Associated Press Stylebook
  4. Chicago Manual of Style Online
  5. Citing Electronic Sources
  6. Complete Discipline Listing: Purdue Online Writing Lab
  7. Council of Science Editors Quick Citation Guide: Penn State
  8. Elements of Style
  9. The Gregg Reference Manual
  10. MLA Style
  11. National Geographic Style Manual
  12. National Library of Medicine Styleguide
  13. Net Lingo Internet Dictionary
  14. Spoken and Written Forms of Address for U.S. Government Officials, Military Personnel, Foreign Officials, Nobility, and Religious Officials
  15. World Atlas of Language Structures
  16. Webopedia: online dic­tio­nary for com­puter and Internet technology

By Judy Vorfeld


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Judy’s Writing Tips

Judy’s Grammar Tips
