Let's talk. Contact Judy

Pricing, Payment Methods, & Services

Reach your tar­get mar­ket using good writ­ing & presentation

Take a look at the types of ser­vices I offer my clients. In a way, it’s dif­fi­cult to cat­e­go­rize, because many areas blend into others-seamlessly. You may notice that I do not post my rates for ser­vices ren­dered. I usu­ally charge by the word, hour, or project, but there are always variables.

  • Editing - Articles,  apps, books, ebooks, busi­ness doc­u­ments (includ­ing email), web­site text, newslet­ters, ezines, etc. I also edit aca­d­e­mic and sci­en­tific arti­cles and papers.
  • Writing - Web text, email newslet­ters, etc. Sometimes, espe­cially with cer­tain web­sites, I edit exist­ing text and also do some writ­ing as directed.
  • Proofing - Review arti­cles, brochures, books, ebooks, pol­icy man­u­als, etc., and check punc­tu­a­tion, cap­i­tal­iza­tion, hyphen­ation, mar­gins, for­mat­ting, word/line spac­ing, etc.
  • Website Maintenance - Update con­tent, main­tain HTML valid­ity, browser com­pat­i­bil­ity, load time effi­ciency, etc.

And if you’re look­ing for good def­i­n­i­tions of edit­ing and proof­ing, go to The Bay Area Editors’ Forum
