By Judy Vorfeld Have you ever wondered when it’s okay to capitalize north, east, south, and west? Most style guides say that compass points and the terms derived from them are lowercased if they just mean direction or location. But you capitalize them when they’re specific regions or […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld Have you ever been confused about when to use an apostrophe with possessives? And where the apostrophe goes? Unfortunately, not all possessives use apostrophes. This includes the personal pronouns “its,” “theirs,” and “yours.” Since they are the most frequently misunderstood, let’s tackle them. The wonderful […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld Did you know that before the introduction of word processing (via word processors and computers), most publications displayed lists in either outline form or numbered lists. Now we have bullets. This creates a new layer of confusion on how to use capitalization and punctuation in […]
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