Why do people use email for business communication? Because it saves time, physical effort, expense, and helps avoid telephone tag. But isn’t it an informal way of communicating? Yes. And some people think informal means sloppy. Not so, says Gregg Reference Manual, “business communications are business communications, […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld If you’re confused about “different than” vs. “different from,” here’s a quick way to rest your mind: Different from: This product is different from the one I normally use. Different than: I see the issue in a different way than you do. (Although “from” is normally preferred, “than” is acceptable […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld Have you ever wondered when it’s okay to capitalize north, east, south, and west? Most style guides say that compass points and the terms derived from them are lowercased if they just mean direction or location. But you capitalize them when they’re specific regions or […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld While there are many meanings for both “bring” and “take, many people are divided over usage like “Please take it with you” vs. “Please bring it with you.” The Gregg Reference Manual, Ninth Edition, says: “Bring” indicates motion toward the speaker. “Take” indicates motion away […]
Read more →By Judy Vorfeld Have you ever seen people get into a heated argument over the right use of the words “lay” and “lie”? It happens. LAY is a verb meaning “to put” or “to place,” and needs an object to complete its meaning. (Lay, laid, laying.) Examples She lay […]
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