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Discover why hir­ing Judy Vorfeld may be a Good Thing!

Michael P. McKinney, VOOVEO.com. I started a busi­ness and was in need of some­one to proof web­site page copy. I searched online and found Judy. I was very pleased with how pro­fes­sional and rea­son­ably priced she was for the work I was seek­ing. I had a few other edi­tors in mind, but after review­ing her past notable work and expe­ri­ence, I def­i­nitely felt con­fi­dent that she had the expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge I needed. Judy was very pro­fes­sional, very respon­sive, and friendly to work with. I am much more con­fi­dent that the con­tent on my web­site is writ­ten well because of her assis­tance. I will use Judy again for any future edit­ing needs. Thanks Judy!

Martha Retallick, Western Sky Communications. So you say that you’re a care­ful word­smith, and that you review your work thor­oughly. Well, I have news for you: Hidden within your copy are gram­mat­i­cal and typo­graph­i­cal time bombs that are just wait­ing to go off. Such as when an impor­tant prospect is vis­it­ing your web­site. Or when a cus­tomer is read­ing your new e-book. With her top-notch edit­ing skills, Judy Vorfeld can help you defuse those nasty bombs before they have a chance to injure your rep­u­ta­tion. She’s been doing it for me for years. And I highly rec­om­mend her work.

Laura Pumo, Office Deva. I drop your name fre­quently when VAs and clients inquire “who wrote your site con­tent?” I tell them that although I wrote the con­tent, you put a mar­ket­ing spin on it and copy­edited my thoughts and direc­tion — still keep­ing my style and per­son­al­ity. What a great tal­ent to have!

Joseph Sica, Priest, Storyteller, and Author Judy is a real trea­sure. She care­fully crafts words with sen­si­tiv­ity and cre­ativ­ity. She doesn’t sac­ri­fice the integrity of the work but adds another dimen­sion often not seen by the author. She responds promptly and quickly to emails. She is pro­fes­sional, extremely com­pe­tent and a joy to work with. It would be a mis­take to work with any­one else with­out giv­ing Judy a look first. I rec­om­mend her with­out ques­tion. She is superb, out­stand­ing, one-of-a-kind, excel­lent – the best.

Book: Embracing Change. 10 Ways to Grow Spiritually and Emotionally. Note: Judy didn’t edit this book, but rather a series of devotionals.

William Bontrager, Willmaster  In Willmaster Possibilities #91, he said: “Remember last issue I men­tioned that Judy Vorfeld applied her copy-editing tal­ents to much of the Master Series site? Well, last week sales went up 400%. We had made a few other changes, so her copy-editing may not be the entire rea­son for the sales increase. However, it was money very well spent, a pit­tance when com­pared with the results.”

B.L. Ochman, whatsnextonline.com   I make my liv­ing writ­ing. Yet when it came to writ­ing my own site, I got tongue-tied. Judy Vorfeld helped me focus and gain per­spec­tive. She is the best coach and edi­tor I have ever encoun­tered, and I have worked with a lot of really top-drawer cre­ative peo­ple. Judy Vorfeld is the best edi­tor in the world. She’s fast, she’s kind, and her words help me make money.

Thanks for your help in get­ting my VA site updated dur­ing the same time that I was set­ting up my coach­ing pro­grams. You are the lifeblood of my online busi­ness iden­tity for that busi­ness, and the turn­around time always blows me away. I’m so grate­ful to have you on my team…Jeannine Clontz, Accurate Business Services and VA Business Coaching

Richard L. Morris, Jr., M.B.A., J.D., 4Trademark.com   Judy Vorfeld has the abil­ity to see things from a cus­tomer and/or client per­spec­tive, then make rec­om­men­da­tions that enhance the vis­i­tors’ under­stand­ing of the prod­uct or service.

Patricia Dreiseszun — World Class Concierge Services   Putting together our “Concierge-In-A-Box,” a “how to” man­ual, became one of our great­est chal­lenges. Finding cycles from Sumatra was easy by com­par­i­son. Concierge was our busi­ness: we are excel­lent at it. We knew the ins and outs of the indus­try, but writ­ing about it became another issue.

Enter Judy Vorfeld. Her exper­tise and direc­tion helped us write and edit, and guided us through the com­plex maze lead­ing up to pub­li­ca­tion. The book is a suc­cess. We have enjoyed this remark­able resource in our busi­ness lives so much that we decided to con­tinue our work­ing rela­tion­ship with Judy. We next hired her to locate a new Web devel­oper and facil­i­tate the tran­si­tion from the pre­vi­ous devel­oper. She found the best!

Through her efforts we have a best seller on our hands, a site that pro­motes it effec­tively, and an invalu­able con­sul­tant. We respect Judy and her rec­om­men­da­tions. Judy is some­one who pro­vides prac­ti­cal edit­ing and gives excel­lent refer­rals. We are proud to have her as part of our World Class Concierge team.
