By Judy Vorfeld
How many times have you heard triumphant trumpets (in one sense or another) while someone said something like, “Viola! We did it!”?
Um, it’s possible that these people didn’t get the word quite right. Betcha they meant “Voilà!“
- A viola (vee-oh-lah) is a stringed instrument that is larger than a violin and smaller than a ‘cello.
- A viola (vye-oh-lah) is a tiny flower.
- “Voilà!” (vwah-lah) is an interjection that is “used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic.”
So if people can’t remember if it’s “Viola” or “Voilà!” then perhaps they can shout, “Ta-da!”
Whatever works.