Criteria, phenomena, data, and media Judy Vorfeld “Criteria” like “phenomena” is plural “Criterion” like “phenomenon” is singular “Data” and “media” are the same whether singular/plural. Some people may dispute this, but as we move further into the 21st century, the use is up to the writer.
Read more →Judy Vorfeld Not only do we need to write clearly and tightly, we also need to make paragraphs interesting. When possible, avoid all short sentences or all long sentences in a paragraph. Vary them. (I just did so in this paragraph). It’s not necessary to do this with […]
Read more →Judy Vorfeld Use redundant phrases sparingly (or omit) in business correspondence, articles, headlines, and other written documents. Here are a few that people use regularly: * Absolutely essential (essential) * Added bonus (bonus) * Both of them (both) * End result (result) * Exact same (exact or same) […]
Read more →WORDS CAN WEAKEN SENTENCES AND THOUGHTS Judy Vorfeld Do you publish a newsletter, have a website, or write articles or reviews or a blog? If so, you’re already doing your best to publish well. But if you aren’t certain that you’re succeeding, here are a few ideas that might help. Try to […]
Read more →Judy Vorfeld EXPLICIT Something deliberately spelled out (contract, document etc.). Something fully and clearly expressed (could be written or spoken). Explicit criticism means being very honest or candid. IMPLICIT means something not specific, but either suggested/necessary to meet goal. American Heritage Dictionary says it can mean “understood […]
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