Let's talk. Contact Judy
  • What do you do best: selling, marketing, coordinating, & overseeing your business? In that case, let me handle your editing and proofing.

  • Next to site visitors, you need to work with search engines. I always do organic SEO. I can guide you to deeper SEO and the gurus who handle it, if this is what you want.

  • Should you have a blog? A Facebook page? A Twitter Account?
    Worth considering. Let's talk about ways they might enhance your business. Or not.

Special Types of Editing & Picky Proofing. Grad Student Papers. Small Business & eMail Support.

• Do you need spe­cial­ized edit­ing or proof­ing ser­vices?
• Do your doc­u­ments need bet­ter lay­out or for­mat­ting?
• What about your email com­mu­ni­ca­tions?
• Problems with English as a Second Language (ESL)?

I’m Judy Vorfeld. I offer edit­ing and proof­ing for grad stu­dents, edu­ca­tors, sci­en­tists, star­tups, busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als, and other pro­fes­sion­als. If your work has spe­cial needs, but you want solid pre­sen­ta­tion with a fresh touch, let me help.

“Why should I hire you, Judy, when I can use Grammarly for free?”

You shouldn’t hire me. I want you to have the best pos­si­ble results within your bud­get! If you have tra­di­tional doc­u­ments that need work with gram­mar and punc­tu­a­tion, go to Grammarly! It’s help­ing hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple meet their writ­ing goals. And it’s free. I know how many peo­ple are on lim­ited bud­gets and strug­gle to get their writ­ing edited.

But some writ­ers have spe­cial needs.

  • Some come from nations through­out the world, and they have com­plex doc­u­ments that need detailed proof­ing of, for exam­ple, sci­en­tific papers. Or there are star­tups that need help with plain English for a lim­ited amount of time.
  • Some are col­lege stu­dents hold­ing down a full-time job, and their unique papers need an edi­tor who can research on the go. If bib­li­cal in nature, some­times the edi­tor needs to check to ensure every scrip­ture is cor­rect … and often to ensure that the right ver­sion is used.
  • Sometimes, espe­cially on PowerPoint pre­sen­ta­tions, a client will leave out some­thing crit­i­cal to the pre­sen­ta­tion. I can also ensure all graph­ics and text are within the mar­gins set by my client. I do picky proofing.
  • Some are fresh from another coun­try, and are in a startup mode. They need var­i­ous types of sup­port as they tran­si­tion into using their own employ­ees for writ­ing and editing.

Academic Papers. Books. ESL Support. Proofing. Blog Editing & Proofing. Text Editing. Business Document & Article Editing.

Problems work­ing with words?

Many peo­ple find it dif­fi­cult. Sometimes it’s lack of good edu­ca­tion. Sometimes it’s just hard to wrap your mind around writ­ing (I can’t wrap my mind around math!). Sometimes it’s an ESL issue: Foreign-language users can’t always express the full mean­ing of their words and phrases to an English-speaking audi­ence. Sometimes it’s because you have a dis­abil­ity that makes writ­ing dif­fi­cult. I get that. I can help. And in case I’m not a “fit,” I have many trust­wor­thy resources.

Bringing Things Into Focus

Is your web­site sell­ing your prod­ucts or services?

Does your site line up with what vis­i­tors need and search engines want? Sometimes all you need is another view­point to bring things into focus.

Subscribe to Judy’s eZine

Periodic newslet­ters, eCom­mu­ni­ca­tion Food for Thought, for peo­ple who write, research, or oper­ate an office.

Visit the Newsletter Archives


Putting together our “Concierge-In-A-Box,” a “how to” manual, became one of our greatest challenges. Finding cycles from Sumatra was easy by comparison. Concierge was our business: we are excellent at it. We knew the ins and outs of the industry, but writing about it became another issue. Enter Judy Vorfeld. Her expertise and direction helped us write and edit, and guided us through the complex maze leading up to publication. The book is a success. We have enjoyed this remarkable resource in our…

Judy’s Writing Tips

Judy’s Grammar Tips
